about Hope & Freedom Three-Day Intensives

Clients find that our Three-Day Intensive program is a tough, in depth therapy model that provides up to six months’ worth of therapy in just three days.

For more information on what to expect from Three-Day Intensives, please refer to Intensives page on the HopeandFreedom.com.
As you learn to facilitate these Intensives, you will discover:
  • How to move sexually addicted clients from past failures to sustained long-term sobriety
  • How to make sobriety tools come alive and show your clients how to effectively utilize them for successful recovery
  • How to provide the support needed for traumatized partners
  • How to teach sex addicts to embrace and participate in the healing of their partner
  • How to lead in rebuilding trust for broken relationships
  • How to help couples develop intimacy in multiple dimensions
If you are selected to participate in this training program, you will be sitting through two, Three-Day Intensives plus four to five hours of clinician training on each of the Intensive days, a One-Day Aftercare Intensive followed by several hours of additional instruction that day, and a full day of one-on-one training. This will enable you to start an Intensive program in your practice, enabling more clients to get the help they need.

The training is thorough. It is also tough. Most of the training days are ten hours long and a couple of the training days are even longer than that!  Visit my CHFP Training to learn more.

how a sex addiction intensive can put
your clients on the road to recovery

Three-Day Intensives are not for everyone; Intensives are not a three-day cure. There is no such thing. They are designed to be three days of hard work that will help your client get to the root of the addiction, strip away barriers to recovery, and put their life and relationship on the road to recovery. These three days of concentrated and demanding work address issues that may otherwise take a year or more of therapy for equivalent results.

This program is very rigorous. In fact, it may be the most rigorous short-term treatment program of its kind. We are very selective in accepting couples into this program because we want to make sure a Three-Day Intensive is the appropriate treatment choice.

Intensives allow your client to do the equivalent of several months (up to the equivalent of six months) of therapy in a three-day period and consist of a combination of individual sessions and couple’s sessions. Sessions are held each morning and each afternoon; assignments are given to work on each evening. 

Most importantly, the focus of these Intensives is equipping your clients (sex addict and wounded partner alike) with the tools they need to develop new thought and behavior patterns to counter what is often a long-standing pattern of addictive dysfunctional behavior. Many clients are able to stop all compulsive and addictive sexual behaviors permanently. This is our goal and we will do everything in our power to help your clients achieve that goal.

Secondly, the focus of Intensives is to lead your clients, as a couple, in a process that can ultimately lead to restoration of trust in their relationship.
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